Way back in 1982 tech company, CompuServe, blue-skyed that “Someday, in the comfort of your home, you’ll be able to shop and bank electronically, read instantly updated newswires, analyze the performance of a stock that interests you, send electronic mail across the country, then play Bridge with three strangers in LA, Chicago and Dallas”. At the time, seemingly incredible predictions. The world wide web wasn’t even invented for another seven years.
And yet today, all true.
What other fantastical predictions have come to life? Indeed which ones have come and gone?
Film-maker Stanley Kubrick clearly imagined the ipad in his film 2001: A Space Odyssey, made in 1968.

And video conferencing.
3D TV’s have come and gone – it turned out people only watched them for the stories.
Flying cars are still some way away (gravity is against us).
The hologram phone is already here.
Home automation is well underway, perhaps the frontier is DIY home power supply?
Smart phones are getting larger, computers are getting smaller.
Smart glasses have arrived and are now refined for use in specific applications.
Remember Dick Tracy predicted smart watches back in 1931?

Apple delivered, and last year sold more watches than all the Swiss watch makers combined!
Science and technology continues to deliver and surpass even the wildest of our creative’s imaginations! One young physicist from the University of Queensland has recently proven that we really could go “Back to the Future” – his research shows that paradox-free time travel is theoretically possible.

So what does our future hold?
The one thing we know is that it will be based on technology not yet invented, but it was probably predicted in SciFi movies in the 1980’s and 90’s!
And it’s going to be exciting!