ABC News story highlights data science as emerging occupation.

ABC News story highlights data science as emerging occupation.

ABC News Perth ran a feature story on employment opportunities which aired on Saturday 2nd January 2020 as part of their series on the WA economy. The story followed the release of the National Skills Commission list of the top 25 Emerging Occupations of which data science was at the top.

ABC journalist Claire Moody visited DUG to interview our MD and co-founder Matthew Lamont on the increasing demand for high-performance computing and corresponding growth in career opportunities for data professionals.

Ms Moody said “After a year of turmoil in 2020, the growth of jobs in anything to do with data is one of the few certainties as we continue to navigate the pandemic in 2021,”

If you missed the news report you can watch it here.

Check out some of our very own hard-working data scientists at the end of the clip – no, they are not paid actors!

By Kym Scampoli

Kym Scampoli has no idea how she ended up writing a science blog. She was dreaming of shoes one day and woke up to find herself surrounded by computers and data scientists! Kym's the manager of marketing, fun and frivolity at DUG. Her claim to fame is she managed to find kangaroos in Texas and threw a party to open DUG McCloud that was bigger than........well, Texas!

DUG Technology