Australians are creative, inventive, innovative and pragmatic by nature. We are known for inventing amazing solutions to problems with as little as a piece of bailing twine, some wire and duct-tape. Australian research follows these principles. From the creation of the stump-jump plough, to owning the wireless internet, to the discovery of gravity waves, Australian research is well regarded and highlights ingenuity.
“Faced with insurmountable odds and impossible problems, they smile disarmingly and look for a stick. Major engineering feats have been performed with sheets of corrugated iron, string and mud” – Douglas Adams
Australian industry, like our researchers, is known for creating and developing incredible technology that is exported to the world. From the world’s largest robot, to working with NASA, to the bionic ear, to building the world’s greenest data centres, and conceiving cutting-edge quantum computing technology.
In a world where technology in automation is advancing rapidly, being creative, innovative, and inventive is the most certain way to build a bright future for the country.
While the bright and brilliant will adopt technology early, they go on to expand its horizons and create new and novel ideas and products.
DUG practises and encourages Australian leadership in technology. We believe there are great gains to our country if more of us are pioneering, not just adopting.