Canaccord Genuity broker report explores DUG’s opportunities.

Canaccord Genuity broker report explores DUG’s opportunities.

Canaccord Genuity has recently published a broker report on DUG Technology Ltd titled Exploring DUG’s Opportunities – Anecdotes from Industry.

Senior Analyst Allan Franklin said that “In recent weeks there have been multiple anecdotes provided by industry participants throughout forums, earnings results and annual reports that we believe help flesh out the current global demand for high-performance computing (HPC) as well as the HPC landscape in Australia that DUG is seeking to target.”

You can read the full report on our website here.

Or on Canaccord Genuity’s website.

By Kym Scampoli

Kym Scampoli has no idea how she ended up writing a science blog. She was dreaming of shoes one day and woke up to find herself surrounded by computers and data scientists! Kym's the manager of marketing, fun and frivolity at DUG. Her claim to fame is she managed to find kangaroos in Texas and threw a party to open DUG McCloud that was bigger than........well, Texas!

DUG Technology