The countdown begins!
There is only one week until the big opening of our huge Houston
Everything is coming together as planned. We have our DUG tanks, filled with dielectric fluid, we have servers, we have power, we have water flowing through the pipes and cooling towers.

We are only days away from opening the doors of our multi-petaflop facility, and can’t wait to throw the switch on DUG McCloud’s supercomputer on May 16.
The facility will be formally opened by DUG’s Managing Director and co-founder, Dr Matt Lamont, as well as a senior representative from Intel.
The event will also be attended by other executives from Intel, as well as local media, the Katy Area EDC, key members of the oil and gas industry, and local government officials.
It’s been a lot of work getting the first data hall to this point, 6 months on from when construction started, and it doesn’t end here. As demand grows, power, room, and plans are in hand to expand the facility into a second, identical, data hall — and beyond.