Do your gathers hang low, do they wobble to and fro?

Do your gathers hang low, do they wobble to and fro?

Some form of anisotropy is always expected.

Anisotropy, or the variation of wave propagation as a function of direction, can be caused by a number of factors. These include grain alignment, stress and fracture sets.

An understanding of anisotropy is not only necessary for imaging but also for insights into the mechanical characteristics of geological formations, all of which aid seismic interpretation. 

Our full-azimuth processing solutions are on call to keep your gathers nice, flat and wobble-free.


Data before (top) and after (bottom) a first pass of HTI analysis and correction. Left: Far-angle snail gathers (stacked in 10-degree azimuth increments) from onshore Oman. Data courtesy of CCED Right: Snail gathers from onshore USA.


From common offset vector processing and horizontal transverse isotropy (HTI) analyses to tilted orthorhombic depth migration, our experienced processing and imaging teams are here to help.

Let’s talk. Contact us today.

By Team DUG

You know the saying "It takes a village...."?  Well sometimes it takes the whole team to write a blog post. We're a team of science-loving computer nerds, geo junkies and tech heads. Wanna hang for a while?

DUG Technology