It’s with pride and excitement that we’re able to announce that the first DUG Insight 3 betas are now available!
This generational leap for DUG Insight, with its new project database and true multi-survey horizons, enables many exciting features now and in the versions to come.
Due to the sheer size of this release, we’re introducing it in stages, beginning with an “Insight 2.9” that includes many of the functional improvements of 3.0, without the project database and dependent features.
Insight 2.9 — with impressive features like the new spectra viewer, statistical wavelet extractor, and Kingdom well reader — has been used extensively by DUG’s service divisions, and has already proven itself as a robust version that we’re now proud to release as a full public beta.
What’s new in version 2.9? Lots!
- Kingdom project reader for wells (from Access DB projects)
- Spectra viewer
- Statistical wavelet extractor
- Band-pass filter
- Complete support for coordinate systems in feet
- Latitude / Longitude in the Map view
- Polygon constraints for most operations
- Compressed gathers
- Volume interpolation / extrapolation
- Volume integration
- Non-parabolic RMO picking
- Automatic mistie analysis / correction
- Improved, searchable web-based manual (coming in December)
The “full” Insight 3 is still undergoing final development and testing, and is being released as a private beta, available on request. It adds:
Multi-user project database
- Kingdom project reader for 3D horizons (from Access DB projects)
- Full support for irregular gathers
- True multi-survey horizons
- Coordinate conversion on data import
- Copy objects from Kingdom / Petrel / OpenWorks into Insight DB
- 2D data loading improvements
- Gains
- Shotpoint referencing
- Flexible text-file importer (horizons and wells)
We’ll update these betas numerous times in the coming weeks, as we progress toward the production release of Insight 3!