DUG officially launches elastic MP-FWI imaging solution

DUG officially launches elastic MP-FWI imaging solution

Today, in ground-breaking news, DUG Technology (DUG) officially launched its latest seismic data processing, imaging and interpretation solution — DUG Elastic Multi-parameter Full Waveform Inversion (MP-FWI) Imaging. The industry-shaking announcement was made at The International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE ‘24) in Houston, Texas, where DUG will be showcasing results from all of its latest geoscience technology.

DUG’s new elastic solution builds on its revolutionary and already very successful acoustic MP-FWI imaging technology, which has now been applied to over 40 projects across the globe, delivering real-world impact to clients. With its new elastic MP-FWI imaging tech DUG is set to rock the seismic data landscape once again.

DUG Elastic MP-FWI Imaging utilises superior physics to remove the assumptions and approximations of both traditional processing and imaging, and traditional quantitative interpretation workflows. Strong impedance contrasts (in particular those with high impedance contracts produced by salt or chalk, for example) produce significant elastic effects that must be accounted for to correctly image the seismic wavefield and deliver true-amplitudes for quantitative interpretation. DUG’s new elastic imaging technology solves for three-component reflectivity, Vp, Vs, P-impedance, S-impedance and density, delivering unsurpassed results in much shorter timeframes.

DUG’s Managing Director Matt Lamont said, “Today has been many years in the making. DUG’s foundations were built on both seismic data imaging and quantitative interpretation. Our new elastic MP-FWI imaging combines these disciplines into a single, elegant solution. It is an understatement to say that we are very excited to be able to now offer this technology to the world. The results are spectacular and we have no doubt this solution will be transformative for our clients.

DUG’s latest elastic implementation delivers not only another step change in imaging quality, but also elastic rock properties for quantitative interpretation and pre-stack amplitude analysis — directly from field-data input.

By Team DUG

You know the saying "It takes a village...."?  Well sometimes it takes the whole team to write a blog post. We're a team of science-loving computer nerds, geo junkies and tech heads. Wanna hang for a while?

DUG Technology