A roo-volution in seismic imaging!

A roo-volution in seismic imaging!

With DUG Wave, there’s no need to pull a rabbit out of a hat when it comes to full waveform inversion (FWI)!

Our unique augmented acoustic wave equation isolates the “roo ears” to deliver high-resolution velocity updates beyond the diving-wave limit.

It also enables least-squares imaging using the entire wavefield providing high-frequency volumes for quantitative interpretation.

All without the need for a conventional processing and imaging workflow!

It’s a full-wavefield model-building and least-squares imaging solution using field-data input that simultaneously handles deghosting, demultiple and designature.

Simultaneous velocity model building and least-squares imaging directly from field data!

You can choose to run the software using your own hardware or DUG’s HPC, or have it delivered as a traditional service project.

For more details, check out our updated FWI webpage or drop us a line at [email protected]

Our compute. Your success.


Main picture: BEX MC3D data courtesy of Multi-Client Resources.

By Team DUG

You know the saying "It takes a village...."?  Well sometimes it takes the whole team to write a blog post. We're a team of science-loving computer nerds, geo junkies and tech heads. Wanna hang for a while?

DUG Technology