HPC Hero: Mark Lommers Chief Engineer.

HPC Hero: Mark Lommers Chief Engineer.

This week our Chief Engineer, Mark Lommers, was honoured with a service award from AIRAH (The Australian Institute of Refrigeration Air Conditioning & Heating) for a decade as a committee member, including several years as President.  

Mark joined DUG after working with us as a consultant for several years: developing and managing infrastructure and support systems for our immersion-cooled high-performance computing systems in Perth, KL, London and Houston. Mark was pivotal in the development of DUG Cool, our patented immersion cooling system which saves us approximately 46% energy costs compared to a traditionally cooled data centre. 

Mark was also an integral part of the in-house design and project management team for our Skybox data center in Houston which was completed in just six months, an engineering and project management feat. Our Houston data centre was recognised in 2019 with a coveted International DCD Award for Enterprise Data Centre Design

Mark holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree from Curtin University, Australia.

Congratulations Mark.

By Team DUG

You know the saying "It takes a village...."?  Well sometimes it takes the whole team to write a blog post. We're a team of science-loving computer nerds, geo junkies and tech heads. Wanna hang for a while?

DUG Technology