HPC Hour: Sustainable supercomputing with a side of sushi.

HPC Hour: Sustainable supercomputing with a side of sushi.

This month’s HPC hour was presented by The University of Western Australia’s Dr Adam Stevens titled: The Imperative for Sustainable Computing for Astronomers (and us all).

Dr Stevens is the Jim Buckee Fellow at the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (UWA). While his primary research field pertains to cosmological simulations of galaxy formation, he is also an advocate for climate change awareness, and currently heads the team of sustainability officers at ICRAR-UWA.

If you missed his presentation, don’t despair – you can catch up with it here.

Unfortunately you did miss the chance to network with other HPC buffs over drinks and sushi. But there’s always next time!

HPC Hour attendees #touchthegreen in the DUG datacentre.

We’re taking a short break over the Summer but our HPC Hour networking events will resume in the new year with a great line up of HPC experts and a fascinating array of topics. Keep an eye on the DUG Blog for details.

By Team DUG

You know the saying "It takes a village...."?  Well sometimes it takes the whole team to write a blog post. We're a team of science-loving computer nerds, geo junkies and tech heads. Wanna hang for a while?

DUG Technology