HPC Hour: We served up all that was hot. And some of what’s not.

HPC Hour: We served up all that was hot. And some of what’s not.

Last week we welcomed a room full of HPC enthusiasts to our monthly ‘HPC Hour’ event, with everyone keen to hear Dr Stuart Midgley’s presentation: HPC – What’s Hot. What’s Not.

Stuart is DUG’s Chief Information Officer and self-confessed supercomputing evangelist. Stuart has a PhD in Theoretical Physics, and over 25 years expertise in high-performance computing either as a user, application developer, tool developer, system administrator, system architect and general HPC addict.  Stuart designed and developed the DUG Cool system of immersive cooling technology, and was instrumental in the construction of DUG’s supercomputer facilities world-wide.

The HPC industry is buzzing at the moment with incredible technological advancements. Stuart took our guests on a tour of some of the latest technologies, including some exciting innovations that could change what the future potentially holds for us all.

If you’re keen to learn more about ALL THE LETTERS: CPU, GPU, TPU, IPU, VPU, NPU, (even an EMU) – look no further! You can catch our HPC Hour presentation here.

Unfortunately you did miss the opportunity to tour our immersion-cooled data centre and see how our supercomputer, Bruce, operates. But there’s always next time. Keep and eye on the DUG Blog for announcements of our next HPC Hour event. Coming soon!



By Kym Scampoli

Kym Scampoli has no idea how she ended up writing a science blog. She was dreaming of shoes one day and woke up to find herself surrounded by computers and data scientists! Kym's the manager of marketing, fun and frivolity at DUG. Her claim to fame is she managed to find kangaroos in Texas and threw a party to open DUG McCloud that was bigger than........well, Texas!

DUG Technology