We don’t just supply you with world-class, powerful compute. We support you throughout the entire journey to make certain your project is successful.
We’ll get you running fast. No need to set up your own systems for job queuing, file sharing or security. We enable the HPC, leaving you to focus on the science.
We understand that security is your top priority, which is why we guarantee that you have complete control over your data at all times.
Here’s how we ensure security:
We can customise the best HPC solution for your needs. We run and offer all these machines as standard.
Our experience in processing and imaging seismic data means our storage systems have been created to manage some of the largest datasets in the world. We offer HPC storage and online archive products.
We offer full data support to load your data, QC, and manage your project through its full cycle.
Our team of experts will optimise your software and tune it for our environment. We can help you take your software to the next level.
We design, build, and run all our data centres using our patented, award-winning, green technology.