You’re invited to our first HPC Hour event.

You’re invited to our first HPC Hour event.

Perth friends and colleagues are invited to network and learn with us as we share ideas and celebrate HPC and science. Join us for a special presentation titled: Atomic and Molecular Collisions: What they are; How they are calculated; Why they are useful. It will be held at DUG’s Perth office, Thursday 27 August at 3pm.

We are thrilled to welcome Professor Igor Bray to present at our first HPC Hour event. Professor Bray is a world-leader in the field of atomic collision theory, an excellent science communicator and a big-picture thinker. He has had continuous Australian Research Council (ARC) funding since 1992, was the Deputy Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Antimatter-Matter Studies (2007-2014), and has been Head of Curtin’s Department of Physics and Astronomy since 2010.

If you’d like to join us for this informative presentation, which will be followed by networking and refreshments, drop us an email at [email protected]

By Kym Scampoli

DUG Technology