Congratulations Mike Hartley for a successful plunge for charity!

Congratulations Mike Hartley for a successful plunge for charity!

DUG has been a partner of children’s charity, 12 Buckets, for many years. They’re a grass-roots, Perth-based charity striving to equip disadvantaged primary-aged students in need of mentoring with the skills, support and connections to secure a strong and bright future.

We are extremely proud of our mathematician, Dr Michael Hartley, for successfully completing the Central Park Plunge last Saturday (November 13) to raise funds for 12 Buckets!

Mike abseiled some 52 floors, or 220 metres, from the top of Perth’s Central Park Tower. Photo below captures the moments before the plunge, with the clear blue sky as the backdrop.



Check out Mike’s determined, unfazed gaze in the photo below, just moments before his abseil began.

A lot must have been going on in his mind…

“It was an amazing experience. But the most terrifying part is taking that last step onto the edge of the building, and then leaning back…” said Mike. “But then you’re slowly and safely sliding down the rope, and can take in the incredible view and the overwhelming newness of the experience.”

He might have also been sifting through countless mathematical equations to calculate how long it takes to get to ground zero…



Slow and steady Mike goes!




Another great view of Mike, taken by DUG’s super supportive Chief Information Officer, Dr Stuart Midgley. (Mike’s the tiny dot hanging on the edge!)



Almost reaching the ‘pitstop’!




Almost at the finish line!



Awesome group picture above, with Mike and his “fans”. (Spot Stuart’s cool hat!)

Mike’s Central Park Plunge raised over $2,700 for 12 Buckets, and almost two-thirds came from DUG colleagues.

“DUG’s staff really ‘dug’ deep to support the charity,” said Mike. “Thanks so much to everyone for the donations, and also for the encouragement, kind words and support that got me over the edge!”

When asked if he’d do it all over again, Mike said “absolutely!”

We admire and applaud Mike for his bravery and heart of gold. A huge congratulations from Team DUG to Mike for his achievement!

To give you a first-person view of his experience, Mike also recorded his abseil on a GoPro camera. Check out the raw footage on his YouTube channel, and be sure to subscribe and keep an eye out for a shorter, edited version of the video!


Main picture: Mike posing for the camera before heading up. Credits for all images used in this article: Michael Hartley and Stuart Midgley

By Mitchell Lim

Mitchell Lim is DUG's Scientific Content Architect. With a PhD in Chemical Engineering, Mitch is an expert in the fields of catalysis and ultrasonics. Full-time science geek, part-time fitness junkie, Mitch strives to deliver effective and engaging science communication, as he believes that easily digestible scientific perspectives have the potential to impact and benefit society at large.

DUG Technology