DUG Elastic MP-FWI Imaging is here!
High impedance contrasts, such as those produced by salt, produce significant elastic effects that must be accounted for to correctly image the seismic wavefield and deliver true-amplitudes for quantitative interpretation. DUG Elastic MP-FWI Imaging utilises superior physics to remove the assumptions and approximations of both traditional processing and imaging, and traditional quantitative interpretation workflows.
Obtain unrivalled results faster with DUG’s Multi-parameter FWI (MP-FWI) Imaging technology. Simultaneous model building and high-frequency, least-squares imaging deliver accurate, high-resolution Earth models using field-data input—without the many time-consuming, subjective, serial steps of a conventional processing and imaging workflow. At high frequency, this revolutionary approach provides reflectivity images for both structural and quantitative interpretation, including angle stacks for AVA analysis. Our new elastic imaging technology solves for three-component reflectivity, Vp, Vs, P-impedance, S-impedance and density.
FWI inverts for high-resolution earth models using the entire seismic wavefield. It is an integral part of our depth model-building strategies for conventional imaging workflows.
Designed for geoscience, not computer science. Backed by some of the greenest HPC on the planet.
Quantitative interpretation (QI) requires true amplitudes and high signal-to-noise ratio. DUG Elastic MP-FWI Imaging delivers elastic rock properties for QI and pre-stack amplitude (AVA) analysis—directly from field-data input.